Checking Voicemail on a Polycom VVX400

BTX Cloud Hosted Services are simple and easy to use. Here is a quick reference guide to checking your voicemail on ours services using a Polycom VVX400 phone. 
When you have a new voicemail message, the messages icon displays on your line. as seen below
vvx400 voicemail idicator

To listen to your voicemails you have 2 choices:
Press the Envelope Button or chose the Messages Icon from the home screen

To access the Messages Screen

  1. Hit the Home button and select the Messages icon
  2. Then Select Message Center > Connect
  3. Then Follow the prompts
vvx400 message

To access the Messages from the Envelope Button


  1. press the envelop button located on the bottom left corner of the phone.
vvx400 message button

Once you are in your personal voicemail you will need to know your personalized password.  if this is unavailable please reach out to our support team and we will assist you.

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San Jose, CA 95133